Alison Chow
Alison Chow BPHE, DPod.M.
Registered Chiropodist
Alison is a Chiropodist registered with the College of Chiropodists of Ontario. She completed her Honours Bachelor of Physical Education and Health degree at the University of Toronto. She then earned a Diploma in Pedorthics, a field specializing in the design, manufacture, fit and modification of foot orthotics and footwear, from the University of Western Ontario. Eager to expand her knowledge and skill set, Alison then went on to earn a Graduate Advanced Diploma of Health Sciences in Chiropody/Podiatric Medicine, a post-undergraduate, professional program at the Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences in Toronto. Since graduating in 2010, she has spent time back at the Michener Institute as a member of clinical faculty in the Chiropody program. Alison is experienced in the assessment, treatment and prevention of disorders of the feet affecting different patient populations. She has been a proud member of the Fairlawn Physiotherapy team since 2011.