Chiropody Services and Treatments Provided by Fairlawn Physiotherapy
- Treatments for conditions affecting the skin such as calluses, corns, warts, Athlete’s foot and fungal infections
- Treatments for conditions affecting the toe nails such as in-grown toe nails, fungal infections, and thick nails
- Diabetic foot care and education
- Assessment of foot pain
- Biomechanical analysis and gait analysis
- Custom made foot orthotics (Click here for more details)
- Footwear advice
What is a Chiropodist?
Chiropodists are primary health care providers, who specialize in the assessment, treatment and prevention of conditions affecting the foot. Chiropody is a regulated health profession in Ontario.
Do I need a referral to see a Chiropodist?
Chiropodists are primary health care providers. A referral is not necessary to be seen.
Are Chiropody Services covered under OHIP?
No, unfortunately Chiropody services are not covered under OHIP. Visit costs and items such as custom made foot orthotics may be covered under an extended health benefits plan of a private health insurance policy. If eligible, a per‐visit fee is paid which would then be reimbursed to you by your insurance provider.
What is the difference between a Chiropodist, Podiatrist and Pedorthist?
Chiropodists and Podiatrists both specialize in the assessment, treatment and prevention of conditions affecting the foot. What we do is very similar. The main difference is where the practitioner has received their education and training. In Ontario, to become a health care provider who treats conditions of the foot, one would undergo schooling to become a Chiropodist. Those practicing here under the title of “Podiatrist” have received their education outside of Canada (i.e., U.S.). Although there are some differences in education and training, Podiatrists practicing in Ontario do so under the “Chiropody scope”.
Pedorthists are trained in the manufacturing, fitting and modification of foot orthotics and footwear. Pedorthics is not a regulated health profession in Ontario. Pedorthists do not diagnose and prescribe foot orthotics and footwear, but can manufacture and dispense these items.
Professional Associations